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"急"拜託哪位仁兄人姐請幫我翻譯一下 中-->英 謝謝!
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confusing 發表於 2005-12-04 01:07:57.0
Mr. X: how do u play these finger guessing games? is it based on reactions?

Mr. Y: Pretty much, but it's a pretty fine line.

Basically, one player is the caller and calls a multiple of five between 0 and 20, inclusive. If the total of the two player's hands matches the called total, the non-caller drinks.

It's all about instantaneous reaction...if you're too slow or if you try to change your hands, you drink.

Basically, you have to make your decision at the same time as the caller is calling out numbers. Not quite instantaneous, but just about. The rhythm takes a while to get used to.

My strategy is to just force someone to play forever. At some point, my tolerance and aversion to sleep will wear them down and then it is, as the wise Bill Paxton once said "Game over man!"

誰能解釋或翻譯一下第二段的"a pretty fine line"和最後一段是什麼意思? 謝謝!

Gardener 發表於 2005-12-08 01:25:50.0
原文: My strategy is to just force someone to play forever. At some point, my tolerance and aversion to sleep will wear them down and then it is, as the wise Bill Paxton once said "Game over man!"

我的策略只是迫使對手不停的喊拳. 等到我的耐力發揮, 睡意全消, 對手就會被搞到筋疲力竭, 然後就像自作聰明的Bill Paxton在異形一片中說的 "老兄,你玩完了"

aversion: a tendency to extinguish a behavior or to avoid a thing or situation and especially a usually pleasurable one because it is or has been associated with a noxious stimulus

aversion to sleep: 因為某種刺激(想贏嘛!),使睡意全消

Bill Paxton: 1955年5月17日出生於美國德州,知名的美國導演和演員,1996年和 Helen Hunt 合演過Twister(龍捲風)這部電影. "Game over, man" 是Bill在1986年電影Aliens (異形)中飾演一名多嘴的太空戰士時, 所說的一句著名台詞
confusing 發表於 2005-12-05 22:02:25.0
Thank connie for the help. It's quite clear now.
connie 發表於 2005-12-05 09:47:24.0
1. yes, "厭惡停止下來"-- i mean "unwillingness to stop", becase at the beginning of the sentence, it already mentioned that his strategy is "to force some to play forever".

2. not that I remember of western children play 猜拳, or they have official translation of it. If they want to decide who goes first, they can just make a draw.
confusing 發表於 2005-12-04 13:44:59.0
by the way, some of dictionaries translate 猜拳 into "a finger guessing game". i wonder if there is any other translation for it.
Chinese children often use 猜拳 to decide who is the first one to play a game. How about Western children?
confusing 發表於 2005-12-04 12:35:48.0
thanks for connie's reply.

but still I don't get it into my thick skull that why "aversion to sleep" means 厭惡停止下來. If you mean "unwillingness to stop", it might make sense in their conversation. but actually, for me, 厭惡停止下來 is supposed to denote "vanishment or withdrawal of aversion". would you interpret it more, please.
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